Frequently Asked Questions of Medi/Nuclear


Q: How can I place an order?

A: For your convenience, Medi/Nuclear® has 4 ways to place an order.

  1. Submit an order using our website contact form.

  2. Email an order directly to our friendly Customer Service team at

  3. Call in an order toll free to 800.321.5981.

  4. Fax an order to 626.960-8700.

Q: May I purchase products through a facility contracted pharmacy or distributor?

A: Absolutely! You're welcome to purchase products directly from Medi/Nuclear® or another preferred vendor. If your supplier doesn’t currently carry our products, ask them to contact us and we’ll be glad to set them up.


Q: How long does it take to receive an order?
A: Orders are generally shipped within 24 hours of placement. From our location in California to the East Coast, it usually takes 5-7 working days, via ground shipment. Anywhere in between should take less time, of course. Expedited shipping is always available.


Q: Can I use my shipping account number on orders?

A: Of course! Please provide your shipping account number when your order is placed.


Q: What is Medi/Nuclear’s® product warranty?

A: Medi/Nuclear's® Product Warranty may be found in the Terms and Conditions of Purchase on the Terms and Policies page.



Q: Does Medi/Nuclear® have a pole mountable radioaerosol delivery system?

A: Yes! Please check out the Aero/Vent Jr. Radioaerosol Delivery System.


Q: Medi/Nuclear's® unidirectional (two tube) radioaerosol kits are featured on the website. Are the single tube kits still available?

A: Yes, indeed! While many facilities have upgraded to unidirectional kits, others are pleased with the performance of the original single tube kits. Still available are the Aero/Vent™ Plus and Insta/Vent™ kits. Both are available with either the scuba style Safety Shield™ Mouthpiece or air-cushioned face mask.


Q: A knock-off of the Aero/Vent™ Plus radioaerosol kit was mentioned. How is it different?

A: A company in Michigan made a kit to fit inside Medi/Nuclear's® Aero/Vent™ shield. What's missing are Medi/Nuclear's® proprietary ultra-fine particle nebulizer for alveolar delivery and high quality images, and its scuba style Safety Shield™ Mouthpiece and HEPA filter to enhance safety, and better protect against radioactive contamination and infectious disease. Reduced safety, poorer images and lengthier dosing should be expected from the knock-off kit.


Q: Does Medi/Nuclear® have Covid safety tips available?

A: Absolutely! Please see the Covid Safety page.


Q: How do Medi/Nuclear's® radioaerosol delivery systems compare with Technegas?

A: Medi/Nuclear® believes its Insta/Vent™ Plus Radioaerosol Delivery System with SPECT would provide sufficiently comparable results to Technegas in the areas of image quality, speed of delivery and safety. Regarding convenience, cost, and use with shallow breathers or ventilator dependent patients it would most likely be superior. As the Insta/Vent™ Plus is only available in the USA and Technegas does not yet have FDA approval these two systems have not yet been compared in the field.


Q: Is radioaerosol or Xenon delivery better for lung imaging?

A: Radioaerosol and Xenon delivery both have pros and cons. Through the years, radioaerosol delivery has evolved greatly so when it comes to image quality, speed of delivery, safety, and use with SPECT or ventilator dependent patients, radioaerosol delivery is considered to be superior. See the Xenon v. Radioaerosol Comparison found on the Resources page to learn more.


Q: Does Medi/Nuclear® sell to research institutes?

A: Absolutely! Medi/Nuclear's® fine particle Neb 3A+ nebulizer is very popular with researchers.


Q: Does Medi/Nuclear offer free product trials?

A: Certainly! No obligation trials are available for all of radioaerosol delivery systems. Please contact us for details.



Q: Where are Medi/Nuclear's® products manufactured?

A: Our manufacturing facility is located in Los Angeles County, California, USA.


Q: Where do I find the expiration date of Medi/Nuclear's® products?

A: An expiration date is not required for Medi/Nuclear's® products. Please see the Compliance page to learn about the lifespan of Medi/Nuclear's® products.


Q: Is Medi/Nuclear® System Award Management (SAM) certified?

A: Yes it is. Medi/Nuclear® is woman owned and SAM certified.


Q: Do Medi/Nuclear® products have a CE Mark?

A: All of Medi/Nuclear’s® products are FDA cleared and produced in an ISO 13485:2016 certified facility, but they do not yet have a CE Mark.


Q: Who should I contact for troubleshooting?

A: Most radioaerosol delivery system issues are very easily resolved by contacting us for simple troubleshooting tips or printable troubleshooting materials.


Q: Does Medi/Nuclear® offer on-site preventative maintenance for the Xenon/Master® Xenon Delivery System?

A: Medi/Nuclear® works with an outside service that has been factory trained to perform Xenon/Master® maintenance. Additionally, if facilities would like to perform the maintenance themselves, Medi/Nuclear® will provide instructions, a part list and a check list to support proper maintenance. Contact us to learn more about these service options.


Q: Is Medi/Nuclear® in California related to Medi-Nuclear in Michigan?

A: No. We are not affiliated with this company. The California based Medi/Nuclear® is a manufacturer and distributor of radioaerosol delivery systems and lung imaging supplies. The Michigan based company is a distributor only.